Friday, March 11, 2011

With Hyla Breathing is an Experience

Hyla GST - Geyser Seperator Technology

HYLA is one of the healthiest Air and Room Cleaning Systems worldwide!

It removes fine dust, gases, allergens and mites during normal cleaning and - at the same time - makes the air of your rooms fragrant.
You will be able to breathe deeply again.
Eliminate the invisible and dangerous germs in the air of your home
once and for all!

Get to know your HYLA GST
The HYLA GST - Geyser Separator Technology

A new chapter in the history of "air and room cleaning"
has been opened with the worldwide unique and patented
separator technology. Only top grade materials and production
certified according to ISO 9001 ensure the highest quality.
Here you will learn everything about the HYLA GST:
How it works, and how you can not "only" clean the air,
but very much more than that - and that there are
fields of application you have not even thought of yet ...

The Motor Head

This module means pure power, and it can very
easily be detached.

Experience yourself what power a HYLA can
develop, with a maximum power consumption
of only 850 watts.

Compare this: With a full 2.5 cubic meters
of air per minute, the HYLA is a frontrunner
- even from an ecological point of view.

The Patented Separator

The heart of your HYLA - it makes sure that only
clean and pure air leaves the HYLA.
The first self-cleaning separator worldwide
saves you time.
With a speed of 25,000 rpms, the separator
removes even the finest dust particles
from the air flow just by the force of
gravity. >99 percent clean air
is the result.

The Water Pan

Water binds dirt and retains it. Wet dust cannot
fly any more. A HYLA works without paper filters.
There's nothing constraining the air flow passing
through the HYLA.

Paper filters have pores, and not only air escapes
through these pores, but also fine dust. Even in
the first seconds, these tiny pores clog up and
the power decreases rapidly - a sheer waste
of energy!
This is also the reason why a HYLA gets by with
only 850 watts of power - thanks to water as
a filter, a HYLA can always breathe freely.

The Trolley

Well, you can´t talk to your HYLA. But it always
follows you obediently, so that you hardly take
notice of it.
An integrated protective rubber strip prevents
any damage to your furniture and walls. Eight
smoothly gliding wheels make sure that your
HYLA follows you dutifully - step by step,
even across obstacles.
You can rely on this:
Whenever you turn around,
your HYLA will always be
one step behind you